Plans are an important part of building a house. However, people frequently want to spend as little as possible on this item. This is understandable, since it’s a lot more fun to spend money on your actual house. But paying less than is necessary on your plans can cost you money, and time, in the long run.
People frequently come to us with plans that are missing a lot of details. For example, a lot of architects will do a site plan (this shows where your house will sit on the lot) without including any specifications for how deep to dig and where you need retaining walls. This makes it almost impossible to get a correct excavation number. It also means that we have to take the time to figure this out, which takes time away from actually building your house. Often there are also be structural details missing as well as accurate measurements. This lack of information makes it a lot more difficult to give you an accurate bid and also makes it a lot harder for the subcontractors to know what to do on your house.
At Jorgenson Builders we like to work with you and your architect to get as detailed plans as possible. We will work with them to make sure all of the necessary detail is there, as well as value-engineering to make sure your plans are as cost-efficient as possible. We also offer design services. If you don’t have plans yet, we will work as a team with you and our draftsman to get you a set of detailed, accurate plans. This service is completely separate from our building contract.
So, even though it’s tempting, don’t skimp on your plans. It pays off ten-fold to have a set of accurate, detailed plans. If you don’t know where to start, call us and we’ll be happy to help you!